It’s Mama   G is for Gatekeeper. Madison, When you hit thirty, you told me that you had decided to live singly and focus on several things, the most important of which is your faith. You told me, “Mama, I am going to work on myself, not from the position of selfishness, but rather, from…

It’s Mama……E is for Entrust   E is for Entrust(ed)   My Children, I have a very purposeful and specific memory of the moment I first held each of you. I could feel the weight of God’s hand as he entrusted you into my care. And, granted, while I did not fully understand the responsibility…

It’s Mama   C is for Cherish….to treasure, protect and hold dear   Children,   One of the greatest blessings in my life has been both being cherished by someone and the active act of cherishing those in my life.  We don’t talk much today in terms of cherishing, treasuring, or holding hear those we…